Wine Society


Agenda / Information

Contribution €15,00 per year


The Wine Society

The DNB Wine Society brings together wine lovers, wine connoisseurs and sociability enthusiasts, both young and old, and from all corners of the bank. A great opportunity to discover new tastes and develop your palate. It also gives you the opportunity to learn more about wines and participate in wine courses and wine tours.

General information
For many years, O&o used to organise wine tastings for DNB and in 2016, an enthusiastic group of wine lovers took the initiative to establish the DNB Wine Society. Any DNB staff member is welcome to join, regardless of age, and whether or not you are a connoisseur or a wine lover. Click the Join now button on this page and select the Wine Society!

Every year, we organise regular wine tastings at various locations in Amsterdam. You will get to know a variety of nice wine shops and wine bars in the area in a fun and personal way. All wine tastings are organised after work, starting at 18:00. They are often organised on Thursdays – and sometimes even on two consecutive evenings due to the high number of interested participants.

A vinologist will tell a story about the wines to be tasted. The tasting usually starts with a sparkling wine, followed by white wines and reds and sometimes a dessert wine to complete the session. Complementing appetisers will be served with the wines.

In addition to wine tastings, we also organise other fun activities, such as the annual Wine and Dine Evening at an exclusive restaurant, were several courses will be served with matching wines. We also visit one of the Dutch vineyards every year to find out more about the process of wine production. This is a weekend event which includes a dinner and overnight stay. In 2023, we even crossed the border.

Fifth anniversary
In 2021, the Wine Society celebrated its fifth anniversary. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions at the time, we had to postpone the anniversary celebrations until 2023. We set up a celebratory committee for this purpose, which arranged a fantastic three-day trip to Reims with a stopover at the Apostelhoeve vineyard in Maastricht. In France we visited three champagne houses and took a cultural city tour of Reims. Of course, each day was concluded with a festive dinner and matching wines.

International exchange
Last but not least, we also participate in international activities with other central banks. In 2018, for example, a delegation of our society visited a wine event in Douro, Portugal. In 2019, we visited the Alsace region in France and in 2022, some of us went to Rome. This year, we joined the Eurofest in Frankfurt.

Becoming a member is easy: Just click the 'Join now' button on this page. The membership fee is only €15.00 a year! Your partner or family member can also become a member, provided they live at the same address and become a member of both O&o (€15.00) and the DNB Wine Society (€15.00). They can then join the activities at the reduced price for members. This is not at all unusual at the DNB Wine Society, Many partners regularly join us to enjoy the delicious wines.

If you are interested in joining our activities, or have any questions or suggestions for an event, please feel free to contact one of the board members.

Email: pahcstoonegnjiW.[antispam]
Ingrid Talsma (Chair)
Chris Gossink (Treasurer and membership administration)
Michiel Schoevaars (Secretary)
Sari Butink (board member)

Telephone number

020 524 27 93



09:00 - 14.00 hr

Closed on Wednesdays